A tale as old as time: you go out to have a drink or two, meet a few people and hop around to a few hip watering holes. Suddenly, time leaps forward and you find yourself face down on the bathroom floor at 8am the next day. You have a […]
Tag: drinking
How to Age Craft Beers
As beer continues to evolve and better mimic the wine industry, letting a strong brew sit and mature over time has become widely popular among beer geek circles. An impressive vertical (consecutive year vintages of the same beer) is as good a measure of dick* length than anything else we’ve […]
How To Buy Craft Beer
So, you’re sick of scoring your craft beer from friends? Really not into hanging out at some weird dude’s house for a few hours wondering if he’s going to provide those sweet, sweet brews or turn you into a skin tuxedo? Totally over wondering about the freshness of those double […]
BnL Podcast episode 064: New Year, New You, Same Shitty Beers.
Welcome to 2018! We ring in the new year with a very special one on one episode with a friend and fan of the show from Minneapolis. Sadly, Sam is not a scheduling wizard, so Pete was not able to attend, but our Guest Pyrate Mike Elongated and stiffed male […]
BnL Podcast EP 061: Make America Great American Beer Fest Again
Man, we did up GABF for 2017 and it was an intense weekend. Sam gathered the crew who came and helped shoot video, take pictures and drink the beers to go back through what we As per a This web-site viagra in india online recent study there was a single […]
BnL Podcast EP 058: Drinking Beer with the Denver Pizza Podcast
If the title hasn’t already told you, we paired up with the best possible podcast to pair with a beer podcast: a pizza podcast. We spent some time with Megan and Paul of the Denver Pizza Podcast to But contemporary scientists have determined that brand cialis cheap approximately half of […]
BnL Podcast EP 057: The Gang Gets Drunk in the Park
We mix it up a little bit this week and give you a show that’s quite the variety show. We skip having a guest and instead have the whole BnL team, Sam, Matt and Pete go to the park (read: call Pete from a park) and throw back some beers […]
Back to Burning Can for a Shot at Beer Relay Redemption
Once upon a time, a charming young lad went to Burning Can and ran the Beer Relay in the magical land of Lyons, Colorado. Our hero wound up making three gruesome errors, as chronicled in the tale you can read here. The lessons he learned were simple and easily applied […]
BnL Podcast EP 052 – Sick Fucks
This week we met up with Denver comedian Christie Buchele at Sexpot Comedy’s massive World headquarters to talk about the joys of essentially drinking for free, being hung over for a TV performance and all the other cool shit comedians get to do. Christie has a podcast of her own […]
BnL Podcast EP 051 – Cactus Enemas in Arizona
We have another first on this week’s podcast! We bring on our friend Justin Cross to dish on the beer scene in Phoenix, AZ, his global brewing club and, the actual first, describes some of the joyous process of starting a brewery. By the time best viagra india Overgrowth of […]
BnL Podcast EP 017: Taking Moral Inventory on the Underground Whale Road
This episode has it all. Joy, shame, conflict, redemption and some beers. We brought our friend Michael from Saugatuck Brewing Company back on the show to see how he liked our new format. He handled it like any seasoned pro would, even thought Pete tried to drag us down into some […]
Not Your Father’s Root Beer – A Review (sort of)
I bought a six pack of the now hotly debated “is it craft, is it junk?” beverage Not Your Father’s Root Beer by a place called Small Town Brewery back in June. I’d heard of it only just a few days prior and didn’t even know if it was common […]
How to Get a Bartender’s Attention in a Crowd
Imagine with me, it’s Friday. You’ve been at work for 10 hours and your boss was riding your ass for 9.75 of those hours. The only relief you had that day was the 15 minutes you got to spend crying in the bathroom stall. Quitting time finally arrives and you […]
Beer n’ Loathing at the Great American Beer Festival
So you may have read our posts or tweets on the Great American Beer Festival. Or maybe you saw our epic ThrowBackThursday super cut. Well we have something finally ready that will blow all of those things’ dicks off and shoot them into the far corners of space: our first […]
BnL Podcast: 40 Ounces of Movies
We’re back and decided to dive into two of our favorite things: beer and movies. We bring in our friend Matt to go over some of our favorite movies or shows to drink to. The results were the most lip smackiest episode to date chock full of inappropriate shit we […]