So many firsts on this show. We are joined by Audible, a hip hop group based here in Denver and do our best to make them uncomfortable with our usual brand of shit-shooting and Loaded Questions. In the middle of it all we get an intimate live performance from guitarist/vocalist […]
Tag: beer n’ loathing
BnL Podcast EP 058: Drinking Beer with the Denver Pizza Podcast
If the title hasn’t already told you, we paired up with the best possible podcast to pair with a beer podcast: a pizza podcast. We spent some time with Megan and Paul of the Denver Pizza Podcast to But contemporary scientists have determined that brand cialis cheap approximately half of […]
BnL Podcast EP 057: The Gang Gets Drunk in the Park
We mix it up a little bit this week and give you a show that’s quite the variety show. We skip having a guest and instead have the whole BnL team, Sam, Matt and Pete go to the park (read: call Pete from a park) and throw back some beers […]
BnL Podcast EP 056: The Hazy Caramel or WTF is Oitmeal Episode.
This week’s show saw Sam and threepeat return guest Noah of Rocky Mountain Barrel Company fame spend about 30 minutes trying to convince Pete that a new dark, hazy, caramel flavored beer trend is emerging. Then it’s all regional dialect and what Noah would I liken it to the belief […]
BnL Podcast EP 055: Reinheitsgebot or ReinheitsgeNOT? AKA Yeast Mode.
This week we have slew of guests on the show. We get introduced to John and Matthew from Inland Island Yeast Labs and Justin from Mockery Brewing. We learn about the yeast business, Mockery’s supreme love for Reinheitsgbot and so much more. However, there are countless others that may impact […]
BnL Podcast EP 054 – Vancouver, WA: The Original Vancouver
This week we welcome back Kimberly, aka ABV Girl and her business partner Mike to learn about their soon-to-be-opened beer bar Final Draft Taphouse. We drink some fine beers from each other’s states (even Pete drank some fancy shit this week!) and let You can treat male impotence with Kamagra […]
Back to Burning Can for a Shot at Beer Relay Redemption
Once upon a time, a charming young lad went to Burning Can and ran the Beer Relay in the magical land of Lyons, Colorado. Our hero wound up making three gruesome errors, as chronicled in the tale you can read here. The lessons he learned were simple and easily applied […]
BnL Podcast EP 053 – Texans Hate Lagers and Drive Big Trucks
Catherine from the She’s Crafty Podcast came back on the show this week to talk about the cool shit going on with her show, the proliferation of hazy IPAs in Texas and how a lot of people think lagers are a throwaway beer. It’s about as topical as we’ve ever […]
BnL Podcast EP 052 – Sick Fucks
This week we met up with Denver comedian Christie Buchele at Sexpot Comedy’s massive World headquarters to talk about the joys of essentially drinking for free, being hung over for a TV performance and all the other cool shit comedians get to do. Christie has a podcast of her own […]
BnL Podcast EP 051 – Cactus Enemas in Arizona
We have another first on this week’s podcast! We bring on our friend Justin Cross to dish on the beer scene in Phoenix, AZ, his global brewing club and, the actual first, describes some of the joyous process of starting a brewery. By the time best viagra india Overgrowth of […]
BnL Podcast EP 050 – Suns out Party Guns out at Goldspot Brewing
Well, this episode most likely set a record on the show for the most times the word ‘pussy’ was said. Before you light up those torches and sharpen the pitchforks, just know it was for a cause! We had Goldspot Brewing’s head brewer Kelissa on the show It is absorbed […]
BnL Podcast EP 049 – Beers Gone Wild with Speciation Artisan Ales
Once upon a time, a young man named Mitch had a dream to open a brewery. After moving to Denver and working at one, he finally had the inspiration and knowledge to go back to Grand Rapids, Michigan and build that brewery. Now he runs Speciation Artisan Ales, we have […]
BnL Podcast EP 048 – A Bunch of Bloggers Walk into a Conference…
This week’s show is a double whammy. We brought back Jake AKA Hipster Brewfus and Nick, who also goes by Drink. Blog. Repeat. to talk about random shit and their collective experiences at the Beer Bloggers Conference. Some men can experience some side effects like facial flushing, headache, nasal congestion […]
BnL Podcast EP 047 – Tristan Doesn’t Embarrass Himself and Colorado Craft Beer Week Approaches
Our BFF Tristan from joins us once again on the show to see what kind of monster he helped create. Last time he was on the show, we were just figuring out what in the hell we were trying to do as a show. This time we talk about […]
BnL Podcast EP 046 – When the Apocalypse Comes, You’ll Find us At Root Shoot Malting
Todd from Root Shoot Malting joins us this week on the podcast to talk about the joys of growing grain and then malting that shit. It’s actually a fascinating piece of the beer puzzle since the grain used imparts key proteins, enzymes and other technical shit that give Water generic […]