Author: Samuel Sly A developing palette can be as awkward as being the last guy sprouting pubes in middle school. Like jerks pointing and laughing in the shower room, elitist drinkers make others feel inadequate about their knowledge simply by talking down to people and making beer seem like an […]
Do we really need American Craft Beer Week?
This is just a ramble, I’m not necessarily trying to make a point. We seem to celebrate a lot. Every day is “National something day” and this entire week has been given to craft beer. Initially I was ecstatic. A whole week to celebrate something that is a huge part […]
Palate Development is Really Just Beer Puberty
At 30 years old, puberty is about as far from my mind as Pogs, Boys II Men, Doug, Shaq’s horrible movies and chasing girls around the playground. Now I have bills, P.O.S., Archer, Shaq’s basketball commentary career and trying not to get restraining orders from chasing girls. Even with these […]
A Crafty Response to a Craft Problem
The Craft vs. Crafty debate lingers after it’s utter explosion a few months ago. Plenty of people’s feelings were hurt. Heated debates ensued. This post may be late to the game, but I want to have transparency on where I stand. For anyone who has no idea what this GREAT […]