

Colorado Craft Beer Week 2015

Featuring Photography by Peter Strobridge Colorado Craft Beer Week fell on March 21-28 this year. The celebration is just another one of the countless week long celebrations of craft beer where special tappings, releases and general Yippie-kye-aye type shit runs rampant across the city/state/nation the aforementioned holiday applies to. Ninkasi […]

Drinking, Experiences

Sports and Beer

Sports and beer together can create a magical land wherever you are standing. Long ago when I was just a wee lad before I was allowed to imbibe, I noticed my mom yelling obscenities at the big ass console TV during games of all kinds. Oddities like “Tackle that son […]


Shots and Booty Bass?

We were having a nice little meeting a few weeks back. Things were getting done and ideas were flowing, then Pete decided it was time to throw a wrench in the gears. Unsatisfied with his Stella Artois, he decided to throw back a shot. This alternative medication works by blocking […]


Boycotting Bell’s?

I recently conducted a panel of experts and beer lovers to weigh in on the Bell’s/Innovation legal clusterfuck. Here’s a short video (warning, a few ‘fuck’s’ are thrown You need to take few drops of female viagra sildenafil the oil and rub it on the male organ. Sometimes they […]


Drinking Games: Beer Roulette

I love it when my friends randomly remind me why I love them. I’ve been known to dog sit within my circle of friends and not too long ago I was thanked for watching a pooch that is somewhat notorious on my social media feeds (Yes, it was #dogballs!). Dog Balls’s […]


And Now, Some Words From Our Sponsor

We recently forged a partnership with the Denver Nut Company, a local snack supplier to many bars and breweries around the city of Denver. We happen to enjoy their nuts, and Ryan, Denver Nut Co’s owner loves to ask us how we like having his nuts in our mouths. For […]