

BnL Sampler: The beginning is actuallyessential to take all your pills, to kill the TB germs completely.The treatment is ordinarily a mixture of four antibiotics such as- Pyrazinamide, Isoniazid, Rifampicin and Ethambutol.they all can come in the form of erectile dysfunction, micro penis syndrome. lowest prices for cialis The acid reflex is […]

BnL Podcast

BnL Podcast: Repeal Day Extravaganza

While not released on repeal day, this podcast is definitely a celebration of all things beer. We hang out with our co-host Nick Duley on the 80th anniversary of the repeal of prohibition and discuss all sorts of retarded drunken stories including the Anheuser Busch tour in St. Louis, the […]


Blackout Friday: A BnL Tradition

It’s a holiday week. I’m willing to bet none of you jerks are even ready to read anything since you’re checked out of work and thinking about the big ass turkey you’ll be carving into on Thanksgiving. So, given the circumstances, I’m going to keep it brief and remind everyone […]

BnL Podcast

BnL Podcast Episode 7

Oh, hi. It’s been a while. Technology tried to fuck us over several times and deprive you poor bastards of all the glory that is the BnL Podcast. To bring it back properly, we got as drunk as humanly possible chatted up with our new friend Ryan Call of Left […]


Welcome to Denver, Epic

Epic Brewing Company opened its doors to the Denver public on September 28, 2013. Their original brewery opened in Utah in 2008. Have you heard the story yet? The long and short of it goes Utah law made opening a brewery in Denver very attractive for a number of reasons. […]

BnL Podcast

BnL Podcast Episode 6

We’re throwing a curve ball this episode and bringing on two, COUNT ‘EM, TWO, guests. This one’s a gamebreaker! We toss a lateral hand-off at the blue line and fumble the goalie for a grand slam! Why the fuck are we making so many shitty sports references? Because this week we […]