In this week’s episode, we welcome back our friend Sarah. We haven’t talked to her in forever so she didn’t yet know the joys of our new show structure. We talk about some of the new hot spots in the Summit County, CO brewery scene, avoid talking about the weather […]
Author: The Gang
BnL Podcast EP 019 – An Oral History Of Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines
This episode of the BnL Podcast has us joined by guest Laura Lodge, who is the primary organizer behind the Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines Festival in Vail. This year’s fest is happening on January 8 and 9, 2016. Laura gives us a great history of the event and how […]
BnL Podcast EP018: Level Headed Super Hero Dicks
This week we host Jeff and Mike, aka Airman and Scarbs, from PARADOX Beer Company in the BnL studio. We discuss a ton of stuff. Airman answers everything in a completely level headed manner and Scarbs washes our sampling glasses. We do have an awesome chat and get down to some deep […]
BnL Podcast EP 017: Taking Moral Inventory on the Underground Whale Road
This episode has it all. Joy, shame, conflict, redemption and some beers. We brought our friend Michael from Saugatuck Brewing Company back on the show to see how he liked our new format. He handled it like any seasoned pro would, even thought Pete tried to drag us down into some […]
BnL Podcast EP 016: The Magic Tap Line that Comes from Heaven
“HOOOOLLYYY SHIT! It’s been a while since we’ve done a podcast!” – Pete It’s true though. And now we’re back at it. To celebrate the occasion, we invited our friends Ryan from Focus on the Beer and Tristan from to help test out our new show. We get into […]
BnL Podcast: Denver Nut Co. and Chain Reaction
If you haven’t heard yet, we’re helping Denver Nut Company put on an event at Chain Reaction Brewing Company. Their collaboration beer (A butter toffee peanut porter) is going to be amazing and raise some money for a good cause. We chatted Ryan (Den. Nut Co. Owner) and Alex (his […]
BnL Podcast: Big Beers and Dumb Labels
Sam made his rookie trip to Vail for the 15th annual Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines Festival and tooled around with Ryan from Focus on the Beer. We got Ryan back on the show to talk it out and see who could remember what. After we establish who puked where, we […]
BnL Podcast: Deep. Freaking. Thoughts.
Did you miss us? The whole gang is back along with our friend Ryan Hannigan from Focus on the Beer to discuss everything from how not to handle taking third place in a popularity contest, unbridled support and love for Big Beer and skimming over the Founders situation. Pete also […]
Shut Up and Drink Trivia Episode Three
Care to hear about the ethics of terraforming Mars and other (much less intelligent) topics? Then you’ve found the right episode of “Shut Up and Drink Trivia.” Three new contestants and some wonderful fuck ups and gags from the BnL squad provide plenty of entertainment, and even a few correct […]
Shut Up and Drink Trivia Episode Two
Wait, audio AND video? You bet your fuckin ass. We finally got our shit together enough to bring you the sights to go with the sounds that is Shut Up and Drink Trivia. We pull no punches and destroy three new contestants. They were pretty smart, and one didn’t make it […]
BnL Presents: Shut Up and Drink Trivia
Beer? Check. Trivia? Check. Three brave souls willing to sacrifice their sanity and livers? Check, check and check! We have been sitting on this idea for well over a fucking year, and it’s finally ready for the public. What is it, you ask? It’s our new online trivia drinking game […]
BnL Podcast: 40 Ounces of Movies
We’re back and decided to dive into two of our favorite things: beer and movies. We bring in our friend Matt to go over some of our favorite movies or shows to drink to. The results were the most lip smackiest episode to date chock full of inappropriate shit we […]
BnL Podcast: The Official Left Hand Episode
This podcast has been a long time in the making. We tried to get both Sarah and Ryan, a pair of sales reps for Left Hand Brewing company, on the podcast together on a few occasions. We were graced with their presences individually, but never experienced the joy of their […]
BnL Podcast – Saguatuck Brewing Company
We’re back after a little break. Hope your holidays were a holiDAZE and you got all the shit you asked for. We asked for a chance to talk to our good friend Michael Biddick and we got our fucking wish. He talks to us about his new job as a […]
The Ghosts of BnL Past, Present and Future
With the site not quite a year old, it can be a bit tricky at times to uphold our general philosophy about who we are and what we do. Even we get paranoid things are getting stagnant and want to experiment to mix things up. Like the cringe-worthy phases of […]